May I introduce Mr. Hérisson

My friend came over with her camera and being a photographer she told me the problem is my camera. I took pictures with hers and there was a huge difference. My birthday is coming up so let's hope! Looks likethe picture above was taken in black and white.

I guess I'll start shopping or better yet, put a camera on my wish list.
I also made Mr. l'Écureuil
The patterns come from Planet June, easy to follow and well explained. I had fun! Thanks June
I'm going shopping tomorrow (no, not for a camera) but if I have time, I'll start her fuzzy lamb.
Salut tout le monde! J'ai eu tellement de plaisir avec ces petites bibittes. Je vais tenter de les photographier à l'extérieur aussitôt que le soleil tente de se pointer le bout du nez. A plus,
Oh, those two are just so very cute! Love them.
You're welcome! I'm glad you liked my patterns :)