samedi 8 novembre 2008

Things I should have done

Like I wrote in my previous post.... Didn't get dressed, should have cleaned the house but instead I created two friends...

May I introduce Mr. Hérisson

My friend came over with her camera and being a photographer she told me the problem is my camera. I took pictures with hers and there was a huge difference. My birthday is coming up so let's hope! Looks likethe picture above was taken in black and white.

In this one, the color is better but the image is blurry. Same settings...
I guess I'll start shopping or better yet, put a camera on my wish list.

I also made Mr. l'Écureuil

Too bad I made those after Brigitte left. The pictures would have been very different. But they're cute anyway.
The patterns come from Planet June, easy to follow and well explained. I had fun! Thanks June

I'm going shopping tomorrow (no, not for a camera) but if I have time, I'll start her fuzzy lamb.

Salut tout le monde! J'ai eu tellement de plaisir avec ces petites bibittes. Je vais tenter de les photographier à l'extérieur aussitôt que le soleil tente de se pointer le bout du nez. A plus,

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